The Henselt Society


After several meetings beginning in 1989, the International Henselt Society was established in Schwabach, Germany in 2002 for the purpose of propagating, documenting and publishing information about the music and activities of Adolph von Henselt. (1814-1889) Members are drawn from Germany, England, America, Russia, Poland and any countries that have people interested in presenting papers or performances on the music and study of Henselt. There is a biannual meeting of Henselt enthusiasts, where an exchange of ideas and new discoveries of original letters, portraits, and transcriptions are discussed. Various institutions also contribute copies of letters and additional information for discussion. This is accompanied by musical performances, master classes and socialising. It generally takes place over a weekend, to accommodate working and teaching schedules, and members and guests stay in a local hotel where lively conversation and further discussions take place over breakfast and evening meals. The email address for the Henselt Society is Download the Membership Application Form

International Henselt Society Board Members
Sandra Hoffman-Rivero

Sandra Hoffmann-Rivero - Co-Chair
Head of the cultural office of the City of Schwabach

Postfach 2120
91126 Schwabach, Germany

Lucian Schiwietz
Dr. Lucian Schiwietz - Co-Chair
Musicologist and piano teacher


Ulrike Dehner-Reimann

Board Members:

Stefan Hofmann: Music Teacher

Carsten Jens: IT Consultant

Matthias Thürauf (CSU)

Jürgen Söllner: Former Museum Curator


Honorary President
Gillian Beattie Davis (England)


We are always pleased to receive letters, music, and ephemera; either original or by scan. Official thanks will always be given. If you hear of any items coming up for sale please email

Thank you





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